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2016 Campaign Watch

A roundup of news and opinions on all the presidential candidates, both Democrats and Republicans. We create and continually update the 2016 Campaign Watch to help educate America's voters on the issues at hand and each candidate's stances.
Understanding the Kaine pick
July 25, 2016

Understanding the Kaine pick

Hillary Clinton selected Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine as her running mate over the weekend, and The Washington Post offers an informative article explaining how that decision was made and what it could mean heading into the November election:

Why Hillary Clinton picked Tim Kaine as her running mate

Weighing her VP pick, Chris Cillizza notes that Hillary Clinton isn’t someone who takes many risks.

“She’s a meticulous thinker who almost never leaps before looking. That caution has not always worked in her favor politically ...

Clinton close to VP pick, Kaine and Vilsack top contenders
July 22, 2016

Clinton close to VP pick, Kaine and Vilsack top contenders

Presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton will likely unveil her pick for a running mate either today or tomorrow, according to numerous reports. More than half a dozen people have been mentioned in recent days, though Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine is seen by many as the favorite according to many outlets, including CNN:

Hillary Clinton VP search in final hours

Hillary Clinton’s methodical search for a running mate is complete, Democrats close to the vice presidential process say, and she is planning to ...

Convention focuses on unity
July 20, 2016

Convention focuses on unity

The Republican National Convention is looking to demonstrate unity behind it’s freshly-crowned nominee, Donald Trump, according to The Hill.

GOP works to unify around Trump

The Republican Party largely succeeded Tuesday in unifying around Donald Trump and getting its convention back on track after a rough opening day.

The main news came with the official nomination of Donald Trump as the party’s presidential pick, a process that went off without any major hitch.

The absence of any real protest during Trump’s nomination was one ...