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Winners and Losers From Wednesday’s Republican Presidential Debate

The second Re­pub­lic­an pres­id­en­tial de­bate cer­tainly de­livered on its prom­ise: The 11 can­did­ates on stage at­tacked one an­oth­er, and fre­quently, over the course of a three-hour slug­fest at the Ron­ald Re­agan Pres­id­en­tial Lib­rary in Cali­for­nia. That ad­ded up to a good night for a hand­ful of the pres­id­en­tial hope­fuls. For oth­ers, it’s one they’d rather for­get.

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The Second GOP Debate: Spin vs. Reality

The second GOP debate is in the books. Here’s a look at how the campaigns are spinning the performances of their candidates — and what really happened on stage.

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What Went Down In The Second GOP Debate

It can be dangerous to predict how the polls will move in response to debates. On the one hand, journalists and political pundits don’t have so much in common with the Republican voters who are watching the debates at home. On the other hand, the post-debate narratives and “spin” sometimes matter more than what happened on the debate stage itself.

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The GOP debate: 6 takeaways

Carly Fiorina — the lone woman among 10 male GOP candidates onstage — was very nearly excluded from the second debate of 2016 at the Reagan Library. Donald Trump probably wishes she had been.

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What’s Behind Marco Rubio’s Mr. Nice Guy Campaign?

During an unusually personal and often testy Republican presidential debate Wednesday, Marco Rubio stayed his optimistic course. While a number of feuds within the crowded field intensified, the Florida senator refused to deviate from his message about reviving the American dream. And he refused to lay a finger on any of his rivals.

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Carly the Conqueror

The second Republican presidential debate, main-stage version, ran as long as this season’s finale of The Bachelorette—but, unlike that prior piece of epic reality television, no single candidate emerged at the end with a bright red rose.

Campaign Watch

Previewing the CNN Debate

Eleven Republican candidates will face off tonight in the main debate on CNN, and four more who didn’t qualify for the prime-time event will be featured in the early “undercard” debate. There’s no shortage of advice for the candidates, suggestions on what to look for, or assessments of what they need to do to win.

Politico suggests that the candidate with the biggest stake in tonight’s debate is Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker:

Scott Walker’s last best chance

Scott Walker needs to reassure his ...