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Latinos hate Donald Trump. But guess who they like: Jeb Bush.

Back in 2012, GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney won the white vote 59 percent to 39 percent. He lost Hispanics by a notorious margin, 71-27.

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The Daily 202: Post poll shows Hillary wounded but Biden’s image far from stellar

A brand new Washington Post-ABC News poll underscores how bad this summer was for Hillary Rodham Clinton: 53 percent of Americans have an unfavorable impression of her, up 8 points from our July poll and the highest number since April 2008. The dislike is intense: 39 percent view her in a strongly unfavorable way, compared to only 21 percent who view her in a “strongly favorable” light.

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Jeb Bush Video Takes Aim at Donald Trump’s ‘Manhattan’ Mind-Set

Former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida is pulling no punches with Donald J. Trump, assailing him in a new online advertisement as a fake conservative.

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How Iowa’s premier pollster sees the 2016 race shaking out

The release of new Iowa poll numbers by the Des Moines Register and Bloomberg Politics is one of the few stop-what-you-are-doing-and-see-what-they-say moments left in politics. The woman behind the poll, which gets Iowa right every time, is Ann Selzer. After the new Register numbers came out Saturday night, I reached out to Ann to see if she might expand on a few questions I had about the poll.

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Will Latino Voters Support Jeb Bush?

For most Republican candidates, a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border is both a performance and an education. Donning baseball caps with campaign slogans, they wish to be seen as leaders who will roll up their sleeves and solve problems: in this case, drug smuggling, undocumented immigration, and border control. For many candidates their recent visits are among the first times they’ve ever seen the border up close, accumulating first-hand knowledge of a place, its people, and the challenges they face.

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Carson ties Trump at the top in Iowa poll

Ben Carson and Donald Trump are tied at the top of the Republican field in a new survey of likely Iowa caucus-goers with 23 percent each, according to the results of a Monmouth University poll released Monday.

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Bush super PAC spends over $21 million for TV ads in early states

Right to Rise USA, a super PAC supporting former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in his bid for the White House, is spending just over $21 million in television advertising for key early-voting states.