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Is Indiana Cruz’s next big test?

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has been enjoying a good couple of weeks, winning Wisconsin and sweeping the delegate races in Colorado. Over at National Journal, Josh Kraushaar suggests the next big test for Cruz may be in Indiana, which holds its primary on May 3:

Indiana: An Unlikely Bellwether in the GOP Race

As im­press­ive as Ted Cruz’s double-di­git Wis­con­sin vic­tory was, there’s no sign that the Re­pub­lic­an race will de­vi­ate from its long-stand­ing tem­plate. Don­ald Trump should hold onto about one-third ... Read More >>

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Indiana: An Unlikely Bellwether in the GOP Race

As im­press­ive as Ted Cruz’s double-di­git Wis­con­sin vic­tory was, there’s no sign that the Re­pub­lic­an race will de­vi­ate from its long-stand­ing tem­plate. Don­ald Trump should hold onto about one-third of the GOP vote, with his geo­graph­ic strength con­cen­trated among Re­pub­lic­ans in the Deep South and the North­east. He fig­ures to do well in the re­main­ing North­east­ern states, while Cruz should com­fort­ably pre­vail in the Plains states. That leaves In­di­ana as the most use­ful bell­weth­er to where this race is headed.

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How far can you go to win support from a Republican delegate?

Imagine this: Donald Trump wooing delegates with rides on his gold-plated private jet. A wealthy Ted Cruz supporter wining and dining themat the Cleveland convention. Welcome bags stocked with expensive swag awaiting party activists in their hotel rooms, courtesy of a well-funded super PAC.

The already freewheeling Republican presidential contest is fast turning into a personal persuasion game as the candidates pursue a no-holds-barred effort to lock up delegates — and there are relatively few limits on how far they can go.

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Cruz Sweeps Colorado as Trump Campaign Issues Error-Filled Ballots

Sen. Ted Cruz finished Colorado’s delegate fight the way he started it: With overwhelming victory.

Donald Trump finished it the way he started as well: With a disorganized and frustrated campaign plagued by mistakes.

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Insiders: 90 percent predict contested GOP convention

Republican insiders overwhelmingly believe this summer’s national convention will require multiple ballots to select the presidential nominee.

That’s according to The POLITICO Caucus – a panel of operatives, activists and strategists in 10 key battleground states – with roughly 90 percent of respondents saying neither Donald Trump nor Ted Cruz will win the nomination on the first ballot in Cleveland.

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Colorado Loss Reveals Chaotic, Overwhelmed Trump Campaign

Colorado is not going well for Donald Trump.

After a shake-up at the top this week in which Trump empowered Paul Manafort to manage the campaign’s troubled delegate operation, Sen. Ted Cruz swept a third straight Congressional District convention Thursday night. All three delegates selected were listed on a slate put forward by the Cruz campaign.

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Wide-Open Colorado Convention Is a Republican Delegate Rodeo

For the first time in 40 years, a presidential candidate will appear at Colorado’s Republican Assembly, a sign of how arcane and obscure rules governing delegates in some states may lead the party to a contested national convention in July.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, fresh from a triumph in Wisconsin, will appeal to the faithful Saturday in Colorado Springs as he seeks to load the state’s complement of 37 delegates with his supporters. He’s already won six and has an extensive grassroots operation orchestrated by Colorado’s Tea Party network.