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EXCLUSIVE: SC GOP voters prefer Trump, Carson; most say Graham should drop out

Most S.C. Republican primary voters want a president with no prior elected political experience, according to a new poll released Tuesday to The State.

A Public Policy Polling survey found Donald Trump would win 37 percent of the vote from S.C. Republicans and Ben Carson would pick up 21 percent. The rest of the crowded GOP field of 17 candidates was struggling in the single digits.

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If Donald Trump Can Win The Nomination, Ben Carson Could Too

Labor Day, when campaigns traditionally begin to rev up, is in the rearview mirror, and the Republican primary field is still crowded and messy. But Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon, has been climbing in the polls. FiveThirtyEight’s politics team gathered in Slack to talk about the Carson “surge.”

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CNN moves prime-time GOP debate to 8 p.m.

CNN has moved its primetime Republican debate from 9 p.m. EST to 8 p.m., eliminating the long gap between its main event and the earlier forum for second-tier candidates, the network told campaigns in a conference call Tuesday afternoon.

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2016: Who’s Out, Who’s In?

Jim Gilmore, George Pataki, and Rick Perry are capable former governors with limited support who will (or should) soon withdraw. (Memo to Rick Perry’s $17 million Super PACs: Deploy the funds on targeted U.S. Senate races next year.) Governor Bobby Jindal is brainy but comes across as an esoteric policy wonk. Staying for the endgame will not help him win the vice-presidential nomination.

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Ben Carson’s collision course with Donald Trump

Donald Trump and Ben Carson appear to be on a collision course.

The two outsiders have yet to butt heads — but that may be about to change.

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Poll: Sanders leads Clinton in New Hampshire, closing in Iowa

Bernie Sanders has a solid lead over Hillary Clinton among New Hampshire Democrats five months ahead of the Granite State’s first-in-the-nation primary, and the Vermont senator is also gaining on Clinton in Iowa, according to NBC News/Marist polls released on Sunday.

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How Donald Trump rewired the 2016 campaign

This is not the race Jeb Bush expected to run. The plan was to craft a policy-focused campaign, with scores of policy aides hired to help him articulate meaty ideas on the trail and distinguish himself as a policy-oriented candidate. He expected to run “joyfully” and with a message of optimism.