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GOP outreach to Hispanic voters cut short by Summer of Trump

A concerted effort to improve the GOP’s dismal standing among Hispanic voters has — like all things on the campaign trail this summer — collided with Donald Trump, whose incendiary statements have attracted widespread attention and provoked other presidential candidates to take a harder line.

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The Not-Trump-Not-Bush Republican Primary

A lot of the support for Donald Trump is fueled by outrage against the Republican establishment. But those who ask us to understand this anger—as if it were a totally new phenomenon that none of us had ever noticed before—are ignoring the fact that Trump divides the right just as much as the establishment does.

Campaign Watch

What Now? Strategic Evaluations and Re-Evaluations

Candidates for their party’s nomination in 2016 began the process with certain assumptions and strategies, all hoping their plans would work well enough to eventually put them in the White House. As the summer campaign season draws to a close, however, it’s become clear for some that earlier assumptions were wrong, strategic decisions didn’t pan out the way it was hoped, and some serious changes may be in order.

Several stories this morning highlight some of these strategic errors and shifts, ... Read More >>

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Scott Walker Tumbles to 3 Percent in Iowa in Latest Quinnipiac Poll

Scott Walker, the one-time Republican front-runner in Iowa, has taken a precipitous fall in a new poll of those likely to vote in the first presidential nomination contest on Feb. 1.

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Can Scott Walker Save Himself?

Scott Walker was in Wisconsin for one day last week, but—curiously for a governor who’s been criticized for being away from his home state—he did not show his face publicly.

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Scott Walker’s new mission: Convincing voters he is still viable

As Scott Walker traveled through New Hampshire’s 10 counties this weekend on a rented Harley-Davidson Road King, the 2016 presidential candidate kept getting questions like these: Are you worried? Are you going to be okay? What about Donald Trump?

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CNN moves prime-time GOP debate to 8 p.m.

CNN has moved its primetime Republican debate from 9 p.m. EST to 8 p.m., eliminating the long gap between its main event and the earlier forum for second-tier candidates, the network told campaigns in a conference call Tuesday afternoon.