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A Better Way to Keep Score in Iowa

Every once in a while, a really good idea or new way of looking at things comes along that is worth replicating.

Early this month, J. Ann Selzer, president of Des Moines-based Selzer & Company and pollster for The Des Moines Register and Bloomberg News, offered up a better way of looking at the potential for support of the multitude of Republican presidential contenders.

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Chris Christie Approval at 30 Percent Low in Run Up to 2016 Decision

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s approval rating with state voters fell to a record low in June, as he nears a decision on whether to run for president, according to the latest Fairleigh Dickinson University poll.

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Poll: Trump jumps to second among N.H. Republicans

Real estate magnate and reality TV star Donald Trump has jumped to second place among New Hampshire Republicans, trailing only former Florida governor Jeb Bush in a new Suffolk University Poll.

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Who’s in and who’s out in the first Republican debate

With new polls out Tuesday from CNN and the good people at the Washington Post (in partnership with ABC News), we’ve updated our widget to reflect what the stage would look like if the first debate were held today.

Campaign Watch

Bush, Rubio Both Show Potential for Growth in Support

At the early stage of a contest like the 2016 Republican nomination fight, where there are numerous strong and plausible candidates, just being thought well of by voters may be more important than being their first choice. The Wall Street Journal today reports on the results of their poll (conducted with NBC News) showing that by this measure, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and current Florida U.S. Senator Marco Rubio are faring well, with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee not ... Read More >>

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Republican Presidential Hopefuls to Make Their Pitch at Evangelical Summit

The annual Faith & Freedom Coalition Policy Conference kicks off Thursday in Washington, giving top-tier presidential contenders as well as long shots such as former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal a chance to compete for the large evangelical Christian base in the crowded Republican primary contest.

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Poll: GOP tossup in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania

Republican voters remain split in the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday. But with Democrats, Hillary Clinton remains the overwhelming favorite.