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GOP candidates move fast to court Walker’s valuable donor network

Republican presidential candidates moved aggressively Monday to court the donor base of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, whose abrupt exit from the race left his large national network of financial backers suddenly up for grabs.

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Poll: Fiorina rockets to No. 2 behind Trump in GOP field

Carly Fiorina shot into second place in the Republican presidential field on the heels of another strong debate performance, and Donald Trump has lost some support, a new national CNN/ORC poll shows.

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Voters See Lack of Fire as Problem for Ben Carson

Carly Fiorina hit a walk-off homer, helium is leaking from Ben Carson’s balloon and Scott Walker’s candidacy is on life support, according to the Republicans in Iowa who will cast the first votes of the nominating contest in less than five months.

Campaign Watch

Fiorina Emerges as Debate Star

The media are full of reviews of last night’s debates, declaring some candidates winners or losers or assessing whether they did what they needed. Much of the attention is focused on businesswoman Carly Fiorina, who seems by most accounts to be the evening’s winner, as this Bloomberg View article suggests:

Carly the Conqueror

No candidate took the stage with a greater opportunity, or higher expectations, than Carly Fiorina. That she proceeded to steal the show was the insta-conventional wisdom—and, in this case, ... Read More >>

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New Hampshire Primary Source: Big night for Carly and Chris


Carly Fiorina became a big player in the GOP presidential field as a result of her performance in Wednesday night’s debate.

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Iowans see gains for Fiorina, Christie in GOP debate

Wednesday night’s free-for-all of a debate among 11 Republican presidential candidates opened several new lines of attack against front-runner Donald Trump — and proved that Carly Fiorina belongs on the big stage, Iowa political experts and observers said.

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Winners and Losers From Wednesday’s Republican Presidential Debate

The second Re­pub­lic­an pres­id­en­tial de­bate cer­tainly de­livered on its prom­ise: The 11 can­did­ates on stage at­tacked one an­oth­er, and fre­quently, over the course of a three-hour slug­fest at the Ron­ald Re­agan Pres­id­en­tial Lib­rary in Cali­for­nia. That ad­ded up to a good night for a hand­ful of the pres­id­en­tial hope­fuls. For oth­ers, it’s one they’d rather for­get.