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Donald Trump’s investment in his White House bid tops $36 million

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is outraising Hillary Clinton in their battle for the Democratic presidential nomination, but she started this month with more money reserved in her bank accounts than Sanders did for April’s expensive primary fights.

Among Republicans, Sen. Ted Cruz’s fundraising hit a new high in March, but the Texan is racing through big sums in his quest to challenge Donald Trump’s status as the GOP front-runner.

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How much the candidates raised and spent in March

The remaining presidential candidates provided a glimpse into their finances on Wednesday as the Federal Election Commission posted filings on their fundraising, spending and cash positions during the month of March.

The document trove included money snapshots of both the candidates’ campaigns and their affiliated super PACs during a crucial period of time when millions of voters weighed in through primaries and caucuses.

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Why Winning Pennsylvania’s Popular Vote Isn’t Enough to Win Its GOP Delegates

When Republican voters head to the polls to cast their vote in the presidential primary in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, helping to nominate the presidential candidate of their choosing is not as simple as selecting the candidate’s name on the ballot.

Because of Pennsylvania’s unusual delegate allocation process, what will carry more weight is the delegates who voters select to represent their district at the Republican convention. And the three remaining GOP presidential campaigns are waging shadow campaigns to get friendly delegates elected.

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Poll: Trump, Clinton ride momentum into Connecticut

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton enjoy the support of roughly half of likely Connecticut primary voters in their respective parties, according to the results of the latest Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday.

Trump’s level of support among likely Republican voters is 48 percent, outperforming by 20 points his nearest competitor, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who earned 28 points. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz finished a distant third with 19 percent and 5 percent undecided.

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New York primary: 5 takeaways

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton came home to New York and both won big.

Trump used his dominating victory as an opportunity to make his case that the only way he’ll be denied the Republican nomination is if the game is rigged.
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What Went Down In The New York Primaries

It looks as though Trump will win every New York county except for Manhattan. More importantly, it looks as though he’ll eventually get something like 90 delegates of the 95 available in New York, winning all but one congressional district (he’s down by 70 votes to Kasich in the 12th congressional district on the East Side of Manhattan with all precincts reporting) and finishing above 50 percent in all but a handful of them. That’s right in line with the deliberately optimistic path-to-1,237 projections that we outlined for Trump last week, which had him finishing with 91 delegates in New York.

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GOP Can Stop Trump But Only By Thwarting Its Voters

With Don­ald Trump’s blo­wout win in New York and five more Trump-friendly states just a week away, Re­pub­lic­ans in­tent on block­ing their fron­trun­ner from the pres­id­en­tial nom­in­a­tion will have no choice but to be­come down­right un­demo­crat­ic – with a lower-case “D.”

A Na­tion­al Journ­al re­view of the re­main­ing states sug­gests that even if Trump does poorly in In­di­ana and loses win­ner-take-all con­tests in Neb­raska, South Dakota and Montana, he will likely still end the primary sea­son with close to 1,150 del­eg­ates.