The hope of Republicans who seek to stop Donald Trump is that as the GOP presidential field shrinks, Trump’s strongest opponents will grab a larger and larger share of the vote until finally, in a one-on-one confrontation, the last remaining Trump alternative — Marco Rubio, most likely — will finally banish Trump.
Read More >>Republicans turned to Nevada on Tuesday in the final contest before eleven states vote on March 1.
The caucuses were compelling, if sometimes chaotic. Who drew a winning hand in the Silver State and who left looking like a busted flush?
Read More >>He came. He saw. And by the end of the night, in the land of Caesar’s Palace, The Donald had conquered.
Now, after Donald Trump thumped his nearest rivals by 20 points Tuesday in the Nevada caucuses, the billionaire turns his eyes toward a bigger prize: next week’s 11-state Super Tuesday.
Read More >>U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont will spend Wednesday and Thursday campaigning in other states instead of South Carolina, where Democrats hold their primary Saturday.
After participating Tuesday in a CNN town-hall meeting in Columbia, the Democratic presidential hopeful will not campaign again in South Carolina until Friday, his state director Chris Covert confirmed.
Read More >>If Ken Cuccinelli couldn’t tell how bad it was out there, the boos did it for him. The former attorney general of Virginia, an early endorser of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), flew to Nevada for the caucuses and volunteered to speak before a big ten-precinct gathering in the retirement communities of Summerlin. He started to make the case, and was knocked back by jeers.
Read More >>Donald J. Trump was declared the winner of the Nevada caucuses on Tuesday night, according to The Associated Press, gaining a third consecutive victory in an early-voting state and strengthening his position in the Republican presidential race before the wave of Super Tuesday elections on March 1.
Read More >>Following businessman Donald Trump’s big win in South Carolina, a growing number of people seem to think he is more likely than not to be the 2016 Republican nominee. Several articles this morning address the issue of Trump’s candidacy and whether he could be stopped. From Bloomberg Politics:
Four Problems With the ‘Winnowing’ Theory of Trump’s Downfall
The theory is that Trump, who notched his second consecutive primary victory on Saturday, is a factional candidate with a “hard ceiling” of support limited ... Read More >>