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Jeb Bush’s Team Tries to Soothe Donor Concerns

Jeb Bush’s backers have watched as Mr. Bush debuted his White House bid amid chatter of inevitability, then plummeted in polls. They have seen him bungle a debate performance, losing a pivotal exchange to his one-time protégé, Senator Marco Rubio. And they have observed as Mr. Bush, in small towns and big cities, has proved a much less gifted campaigner than they anticipated.

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Hillary Clinton Leads in 2016 Match-Ups as Ben Carson, Marco Rubio Run Closest

Hillary Clinton leads the Republican presidential field in hypothetical general-election match-ups, with Ben Carson and Marco Rubio running the closest to her, according to a new national MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist poll.

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New poll: Jump for Christie, Cruz, but Trump still dominant

POLLSTER CALLS CHRISTIE ‘MOMENTUM CANDIDATE.’ The results of a new poll released Thursday by Public Policy Polling of North Carolina prompted the firm’s director to call Chris Christie the “clear momentum candidate” in New Hampshire.

Campaign Watch

Iowa Still Wide Open

One thing to keep in mind regarding polls is that right now people are expressing their preferences, but those preferences are likely to shift for many between now and when the voting starts. Bloomberg Politics this morning explains how in Iowa, many remain either undecided or only loosely attached to their current preference:

Iowa Wracked by Indecision as Presidential Caucuses Near

Conversations with more than a dozen likely voters at events featuring former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Senator Ted Cruz of ... Read More >>

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Iowa Wracked by Indecision as Presidential Caucuses Near

The crops have been harvested and snow has already fallen multiple times, signs in Iowa that it will soon be time to start the process of picking a new president—and begin winnowing the crowded Republican field.

Yet even after months of candidate visits and millions of dollars in campaign ads, many Iowa Republicans interviewed this week don’t seem anywhere close to making their final decision, even though the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses are less than two months away.

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CNN/ORC Poll: Trump alone at the top again

Donald Trump is once again alone at the top of the Republican field, according to the latest CNN/ORC Poll, with 36% of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents behind him, while his nearest competitor trails by 20 points.

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Jeb Bush’s New Show of Confidence Is Failing to Connect With Republicans

This ought to be Jeb Bush’s time.

He laid out a detailed plan to crush the Islamic State three months before the Paris terrorist attacks. He gave a well-received speech on rebuilding America’s military at the Citadel two weeks ago. He has shown new confidence discussing terrorism, the Syrian refugee crisis and American values, and how they intertwine.