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Why Bernie Sanders could win Oklahoma

Oklahoma isn’t where you might normally expect to find Sen. Bernie Sanders spending his time.

It’s one of the reddest states in the nation and a leader in hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” which Sanders calls “a disaster for the planet.”

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Black voters reject Bernie Sanders in South Carolina

South Carolina’s black Democrats really do not like Bernie Sanders.

Not only did the Vermont senator get shellacked by Hillary Clinton in the overall vote in South Carolina’s primary, his share of the African-American electorate was worse here than in Nevada.

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Breaking down Democrats’ Super Tuesday map

In state after state, the pattern is the same.

Hillary Clinton’s team swooped in early, organized methodically and captured support from the Democratic establishment. Bernie Sanders arrived late, opened eyes with a few jam-packed rallies and quickly generated a ground game powered by the progressive grass roots.

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Bernie braces for decision day

Bernie Sanders’ campaign is desperately fighting to prove that Super Tuesday isn’t his final stand.

The outlook is grim: He likely needs comfortable wins in at least five states to realistically keep pace in the delegate hunt. Coming off a deflating loss in Nevada and a thorough pummeling in South Carolina, Sanders’ brain trust views March 1 as a swinging gate that could either reveal — or effectively close off — his path to the nomination.

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Will Rubio’s Assault on Trump Pay Off Tuesday?

If Marco Ru­bio’s dom­in­ant de­bate per­form­ance, re­lent­less mock­ing of Don­ald Trump’s ap­pear­ance, and in­creased scru­tiny of Trump’s busi­ness re­cord don’t give the sen­at­or from Flor­ida mo­mentum on Su­per Tues­day, it’s hard to see how he wins the GOP nom­in­a­tion. Ab­sent fresh polling, there are signs that Ru­bio is mak­ing in­roads on the long­stand­ing front-run­ner now that he’s gone full bore against

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Polls: Trump, Clinton Ahead in Super Tuesday States

Donald Trump is leading in the Super Tuesday states of Georgia and Tennessee, while Ted Cruz is ahead in his home state of Texas, according to a trio of new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls.

And Hillary Clinton is topping Bernie Sanders in all three of those southern states by about a 2-to-1 margin.

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Sanders raises $36M in February; eyes $4M more by Super Tuesday

Bernie Sanders is touting new fundraising totals for his Democratic presidential campaign and launching a one-day drive to reach $40 million in February that will “absolutely shock the political establishment.”