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Pressure grows on Paul to ditch presidential bid

Rand Paul is crowing about making the main stage at Thursday’s Republican presidential primary debate, promising it’ll be his best showing yet. But as Paul focuses on his national campaign, now he’s got to deal with a major bummer on the home front: Deep-pocketed Democratic Lexington Mayor Jim Gray officially joined the race for Paul’s Senate seat on Tuesday.

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Rand Paul back on main stage for Fox debate

The main stage at Fox News Channel’s Republican presidential primary debate on Thursday night will feature as many as eight candidates — including the return of Rand Paul, who had been booted because of low poll numbers two weeks ago.

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Rand Paul poised to make the cut for main debate stage

Sen. Rand Paul is poised to make his return to the main-stage Republican presidential debate on Thursday.

The cutoff for the polls that will be used to decide which candidates qualify for the main stage and which are bumped down to the undercard debate is 5 p.m. Tuesday. The Paul campaign earlier in the day announced a conference call “with political reporters this evening to discuss the 2016 election cycle, Iowa caucus, and upcoming RNC/Fox News debate.”

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Rand Paul again in danger of missing main debate cutoff

Rand Paul is once again on the bubble for Thursday’s GOP debate and needs a strong round of polling down the stretch to propel him back into the main event.

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Poll: Trump and Cruz in dead heat in Iowa

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are running neck-and-neck in Iowa with only six days to go until the caucuses there, a new poll finds.

A Quinnipiac University survey released on Tuesday shows Trump taking 31 percent support over Cruz at 29 percent. That’s unchanged from the previous survey released in early January.

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A Time for Culling, Not for Winning

It’s now less than a week be­fore the Iowa caucuses, two weeks be­fore the New Hamp­shire primary, and thus time for polit­ic­al afi­cion­ados to whip them­selves in­to frenzy. People of­ten be­come so pre­oc­cu­pied with the two con­tests that they lose sight of the lar­ger pic­ture. So take a deep breath, every­one: Neither party’s nom­in­a­tion is likely to be settled by the out­comes in Iowa or New Hamp­shire, or even the two com­bined.

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The Secret Science of Winning the Iowa Caucuses

An hour before the Jan. 14 Republican debate, 250 of Ted Cruz’s most dedicated Iowa field organizers huddled in the Heritage Assembly of God church gymnasium in Des Moines. Over a dinner of potato chips and sandwiches, they sat down for a tutorial in caucus-night tactics.