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Top liberals call for Warren candidacy

Three prominent liberal activists — including the president of a large union — are calling for Elizabeth Warren to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, insisting that the Massachusetts senator’s participation in a competitive primary process would benefit the party.

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Why Martin O’Malley and Elizabeth Warren Can Beat Any Republican, Including Walker, Bush, Paul and Cruz

A paradigm shift is needed in today’s Democratic Party.

Rising stars in the Democratic Party like Tim Kaine, Jim Webb and especially Martin O’Malley and Elizabeth Warren are all formidable candidates, despite the fact that one liberal icon has amassed $328,755,858 and owns her own server. If Republicans can be proud of the fact that Ted Cruz would “most likely” be able to serve as president, Democrats should trumpet the plethora of talent within their ranks.

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Democrats need Elizabeth Warren’s voice in 2016 presidential race

Democrats would be making a big mistake if they let Hillary Clinton coast to the presidential nomination without real opposition, and, as a national leader, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren can make sure that doesn’t happen. While Warren has repeatedly vowed that she won’t run for president herself, she ought to reconsider. And if Warren sticks to her refusal, she should make it her responsibility to help recruit candidates to provide voters with a vigorous debate on her signature cause, reducing income inequality, over the next year.

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27 current, former NH lawmakers urge Elizabeth Warren to run for president,

Twenty-seven current and former New Hampshire lawmakers signed a public letter Wednesday urging Warren to run for president in 2016.

The letter was in part fueled by the Run Warren campaign.

The Run Warren Run group has been gaining steam in New Hampshire since it launched last December despite the fact that Warren has continued to deny that she’s interested in running for president.

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Al Gore should run for president

Democrats need a debate about where their party goes next. Obamacare’s passage marked the rough completion of the social safety net that liberals began constructing during Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s presidency. The end of the Iraq War drained Democrats of their foreign policy fervor. The rapid acceptance of gay marriage has robbed them of the next civil rights fight. There is work left to be done in all these arenas, but over time, the party will need to discover new dreams, much as Republicans have found the Ryan budget.

Campaign Watch

Warren Still Being Urged to Run

Sean Parnell

Elizabeth Warren has been saying for a while she doesn’t plan to run for President in 2016, but that hasn’t stopped a number of people from urging her to jump into the race. has the following story today:

Robert Reich: Elizabeth Warren Would Be A “Strong Primary Challenger” For Hillary Clinton

Former Secretary of Commerce Robert Reich, who served in President Bill Clinton’s cabinet, appeared on MSNBC Wednesday night to encourage Sen. Elizabeth Warren to seek the Democratic nomination for ... Read More >>

Campaign Watch

Dems Ready for Warren?

by Sean Parnell

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has been denying much interest in running for President in 2016, but that doesn’t seem to be bothering some of her supporters. The Washington Post has an interesting article today on how some Democrats aren’t thrilled with the prospect of Sec. Hillary Clinton and are trying to get the junior Senator from Massachusetts to join the race:

Democrats suffering from Clinton fatigue say they’re ready for Warren

AMES, Iowa — Thirteen Iowa Democrats wearily took their seats ... Read More >>