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New poll: Jump for Christie, Cruz, but Trump still dominant

POLLSTER CALLS CHRISTIE ‘MOMENTUM CANDIDATE.’ The results of a new poll released Thursday by Public Policy Polling of North Carolina prompted the firm’s director to call Chris Christie the “clear momentum candidate” in New Hampshire.

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CNN/ORC Poll: Trump alone at the top again

Donald Trump is once again alone at the top of the Republican field, according to the latest CNN/ORC Poll, with 36% of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents behind him, while his nearest competitor trails by 20 points.

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Sytek endorses Christie

Former New Hampshire House Speaker Donna Sytek on Tuesday endorsed Republican presidential hopeful Chris Christie Tuesday, applauding his focus on drug abuse as a health issue, not simply a matter of criminal justice.

Campaign Watch

Christie Positioned to Rise

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has enjoyed a resurgence of attention in recent weeks, in part because of a perceived or at least expected shift in many primary voters’ priorities towards national security issues. In recent days there have been several articles suggesting that Christie may be poised to be the “surprise” candidate of 2016, rising from the bottom of the pack to serious contender status. Here is National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar with an assessment:

The Case for Chris Christie’s Political ...

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Bush readies his last stand in New Hampshire

New Hampshire is beginning to look like Jeb Bush’s final stand.

Stuck in the middle of the GOP pack he was expected to dominate, Bush is accelerating the time frame for his campaign’s next ad buy in the state. His campaign also announced Tuesday that it is opening four regional field offices in New Hampshire and upping its on-the-ground staff from 12 people to 20.

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GOP establishment hits bottleneck in NH

Republican establishment candidates are stuck in a bottleneck in New Hampshire, with a sizable group of contenders unable to break away in the first-in-the-nation primary state.

In a state that has in the past favored mainstream conservatives such as Mitt Romney and John McCain, several centrist Republicans need a strong showing in New Hampshire to prove they’re viable in the states that follow.

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The Case for Chris Christie’s Political Comeback

New Jer­sey Gov. Chris Christie of­fers a case study in the fu­til­ity of ob­sess­ing over polls at the ex­pense of everything else. If you just look at his na­tion­al and early-state num­bers, which still hov­er in the low single-di­gits, it would be easy to con­clude that he faces near-im­possible odds of win­ning the GOP’s pres­id­en­tial nom­in­a­tion; by the former meas­ure, he was left off the stage at the last Re­pub­lic­an de­bate.