Donald J. Trump was declared the winner of the Nevada caucuses on Tuesday night, according to The Associated Press, gaining a third consecutive victory in an early-voting state and strengthening his position in the Republican presidential race before the wave of Super Tuesday elections on March 1.
Read More >>Following businessman Donald Trump’s big win in South Carolina, a growing number of people seem to think he is more likely than not to be the 2016 Republican nominee. Several articles this morning address the issue of Trump’s candidacy and whether he could be stopped. From Bloomberg Politics:
Four Problems With the ‘Winnowing’ Theory of Trump’s Downfall
The theory is that Trump, who notched his second consecutive primary victory on Saturday, is a factional candidate with a “hard ceiling” of support limited ... Read More >>
Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign is on a high.
The Florida senator made a distant second-place finish in South Carolina, barely squeezing by Ted Cruz, seem like a victory on Saturday and garnered his largest and most enthusiastic crowds yet on Sunday.
Read More >>Sen. Marco Rubio racked up a slew of establishment endorsements on Monday, days after one of his top competitors exited the presidential race.
Marco Rubio’s path to the Republican nomination goes through the suburbs of places like Minneapolis and St. Paul.
Read More >>The people lined up on stage waiting for Marco Rubio to arrive at the Texas Station casino in North Las Vegas on Sunday night looked like a phalanx of soldiers dressed by Men’s Wearhouse, and the Florida senator liked the way they looked up there, I guarantee it.
Read More >>Donald Trump is the favorite to win Tuesday’s Nevada GOP caucuses, an outcome that would give him victories in three of the four early-voting states.
According to The POLITICO Caucus – a collection of strategists, operatives and activists on the ground in Nevada – Trump is poised to defeat Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio on Tuesday night, despite relatively little attention on the caucuses compared to the three previous states.