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September disaster for Clinton campaign

Hillary Clinton’s health problems — and, in particular, the shocking video of her being helped into a van on Sunday — are the worst developments yet for a campaign that has hit a serious rough patch.

Before the health drama, polls were already tightening, and the Democratic presidential nominee had delivered a semi-apology for asserting that half of Donald Trump’s supporters came from a “basket of deplorables.”

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Hillary Clinton’s Dumb Campaign

It’s in­ter­est­ing to watch Hil­lary Clin­ton’s highly schizo­phren­ic cam­paign. On one level, in terms of strategy and tac­tics, or­gan­iz­a­tion­al abil­it­ies, use of tech­no­logy, and the like, it is a very im­press­ive ef­fort, a blend­ing of the best from her 2008 cam­paign with the cream of the 2008 and 2012 Obama pres­id­en­tial ef­forts.

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Clinton’s national lead shrinks amid transparency questions

Hillary Clinton’s national lead over Donald Trump continues to shrink amid renewed questions about her trustworthiness and her lack of transparency.

Clinton leads Trump among registered by just 4 points nationally, 48-44, according to an NBC News/Survey Monkey poll made public Tuesday.

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Why Clinton’s bad weekend won’t rewrite the race

Has the race changed now?

A lot of people are sure it has after Hillary Clinton was caught on video collapsing in the street. A lot of people have been sure about a lot of things in this 2016 contest against Donald Trump. Not a lot of them have had any lasting relationship to political reality.

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Why Transparency is the Best Policy for Clinton and Trump

The frenzy and uncertainty Sunday over Hillary Clinton’s health could have easily been avoided had Clinton and her campaign disclosed that she had pneumonia — either after she was diagnosed on Friday or right after reports surfaced that something had happened at the 9/11 remembrance.

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Young Millennials Love Obama, But Clinton Is Struggling To Win Them Over

It’s usually difficult to get a clear look at which way the youngest voters are leaning. Pollsters have trouble reaching them, and they’re often excluded when a survey breaks out its results by group. But they make up a significant portion of the vote.

Campaign Watch

Clinton health worries jolt campaign

The subject of Hillary Clinton‘s health suddenly became a major topic over the weekend, following her early departure from a 9-11 memorial service and video of her stumbling that came to light shortly afterwards. As ABC News reports, the issue comes at a critical juncture for the presumed favorite to win the White House:

Hillary Clinton’s Health Scare Creates Major Campaign Moment

It is far easier to argue that your opponent is not fit to serve if you can provide confidence that ... Read More >>