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GOP Leaders Surrender to Trump

If Don­ald Trump goes onto to win In­di­ana’s primary Tues­day, all but guar­an­tee­ing him the Re­pub­lic­an pres­id­en­tial nom­in­a­tion, the story of the GOP cam­paign will be the party lead­er­ship’s ac­qui­es­cence to the bil­lion­aire busi­ness­man. Former House Speak­er John Boehner, at a crit­ic­al mo­ment, pub­licly pro­claimed his hatred for Ted Cruz this week (“Lu­ci­fer in the flesh”) and said he would vote for Trump, an oc­ca­sion­al golf­ing part­ner and “tex­ting buddy.”

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Indiana May Be #NeverTrump’s Last Stand

Donald Trump’s romp through the Northeast corridor last week shattered all expectations. It also positions Indiana’s contest on Tuesday as a desperate last stand for Ted Cruz and the #NeverTrump movement.

Something has shifted. On April 19, Trump carried the New York counties bordering Pennsylvania with an average of 57 percent, in a state in which he was to some extent a favorite son.

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This new Indiana poll is very bad news for the ‘Stop Trump’ movement

There are three big states left on the Republican calendar. There’s Indiana, which votes Tuesday and gives out 57 delegates. There’s California, which votes in just over a month and hands out 172. And there’s New Jersey, a winner-take-all state offers up 51 and votes on the same day as California.

We’ve known for a while that the question of whether Donald Trump can clinch the nomination will come down to June 7, the day the last few states vote.

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Trump zeroes in on Indiana

Donald Trump is predicting he can knock rival Ted Cruz out of the Republican presidential race by winning Tuesday’s primary here, and recent polling shows he’s in good shape.

Both Trump and Cruz are hitting the campaign trail hard in Indiana, making appearances Sunday and several more planned for Monday.
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Three reasons Cruz-Carly makes sense — and one reason it might not matter

Eric Trump, son of the presidential candidate, tweeted out today that Ted Cruz’s selection of Carly Fiorina “is truly one of the greatest acts of desperation I have ever seen.” This is true, of course, and even Cruz had to admit that it was “unusual to make the announcement as early as we are doing now.” But however unconventional it is, the only thing that matters is whether it works.

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Cruz to trounce Trump in Virginia delegate election

Ted Cruz got crushed in Virginia on primary day, but even Donald Trump’s forces believe he’s about to stuff the state’s national convention delegation full of supporters anyway.

Virginia GOP insiders with knowledge of the state’s delegate selection process expect Cruz backers to overrun this Saturday’s state convention and use their numbers to guarantee that the 13 statewide delegates to the national convention lean Cruz.

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Can Donald Trump avoid a contested convention?

Donald Trump is facing a critical test in the final six weeks of the primary season: securing the 1,237 delegates needed to finally claim the Republican presidential nomination as his own.

The prospect of a historic contested convention has surrounded Trump’s candidacy for months. But Trump is much closer to winning the nomination outright following his resounding victories in Tuesday’s East Coast primaries, which boosted his delegate count to at least 988 compared to 568 for his chief rival, Ted Cruz.