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Trump Overtakes Cruz in Final Iowa Poll Before Caucuses

Donald Trump has overtaken Ted Cruz in the final days before Iowa’s caucuses, with the fate of the race closely tied to the size of Monday evening’s turnout, especially among evangelical voters and those attending for the first time, a Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll shows.

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The Sad Sideshow of the Republican Undercard

Presidential campaigns are where egos go to die. You spend months as a traveling salesman, your mind is the product, and in the end the voters almost always buy something else. But rarely is the brutality of the process clearer than it was Thursday evening in Des Moines.

Campaign Watch

Keys to Tonight’s GOP Debate

Fox News will host the final Republican debate of the “pre-season,” before real voting actually begins next week in the Iowa caucuses and then continues in New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada, and beyond. The absence of businessman Donald Trump, the GOP frontrunner, could mean other candidates have an opportunity to seize the spotlight, although it could also mean fewer viewers that might see any “breakout” performance.

The media this morning have a few articles offering predictions, expectations, things to look for, ... Read More >>

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A Time for Culling, Not for Winning

It’s now less than a week be­fore the Iowa caucuses, two weeks be­fore the New Hamp­shire primary, and thus time for polit­ic­al afi­cion­ados to whip them­selves in­to frenzy. People of­ten be­come so pre­oc­cu­pied with the two con­tests that they lose sight of the lar­ger pic­ture. So take a deep breath, every­one: Neither party’s nom­in­a­tion is likely to be settled by the out­comes in Iowa or New Hamp­shire, or even the two com­bined.

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The first four Republican contests: Differences that matter

In the January edition of AEI’s Political Report, we provide profiles of the 2012 Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada Republican electorates. What makes each of these electorates distinct? Will their profiles be similar in 2016?

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Jim Gilmore Absent From At Least 14 GOP State Primary Ballots

GOP presidential candidate former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore is still in the race for the Republican nomination – despite his zero percent support in the polls – but he has missed at least 14 state filing deadlines, which means his name won’t be on the ballot in those states when people go to vote.

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And when will there be three?

You can take the results of the robo poll conducted by the Democratic outfit PPP with a big grain of salt. Nevertheless, the underlying analysis is correct:

Trump actually ranks 8th out of the 12 candidates in New Hampshire in net favorability with only 49% of GOP voters seeing him favorably to 44% with a negative opinion.