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Biden campaign would face hurdles in early primary states

If Vice President Joe Biden enters the 2016 presidential campaign, he not only will face an experienced frontrunner in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but also armies of volunteers and staff already in place to help other candidates in early primary states.

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Talk of Biden bid grows louder among Iowa liberals

Bruce Hunter, one of Joe Biden’s most loyal allies in Iowa, won’t say whether he thinks it’s wise for the vice president to get in for 2016.

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Dem strategists say Biden ‘late to the party’ for 2016

Democrats, may have a lot of affection for Vice President Joe Biden but if he enters the 2016 presidential contest now, he’ll find himself a day late and a dollar short, party strategists say.

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Joe Biden’s Schrödinger’s Cat Campaign

Pundits — bored with the prospect of a Hillary Clinton coronation — have conjectured for months that Joe Biden might run for president, but the vice president has remained on the sidelines. So you’d be right to indulge some skepticism toward the latest round of speculation about Biden running.

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Draft Biden just got real

A senior adviser to Joe Biden’s late son Beau is joining the Draft Biden Super PAC to lay the financial groundwork for a potential presidential bid – a key hurdle for the sitting vice president if he hopes to take on Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidential primary.

Campaign Watch

Biden Considers Running for President

A number of news stories from a variety of outlets all broke the same news over the weekend: Vice President Joe Biden is seriously considering running for the 2016 Democratic nomination. Here, for example, is The New York Times:

Joe Biden Said to Be Taking New Look at Presidential Run

Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and his associates have begun to actively explore a possible presidential campaign, which would upend the Democratic field and deliver a direct threat to Hillary Rodham ... Read More >>

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Joe Biden spikes on social media

Joe Biden dominated the 2016 conversation on social media this weekend.