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Incredulous over fantasy football question, Christie had line of night

HOW’D THEY DO? The third Republican presidential debate on Wednesday night in Colorado saw the candidates revolt against the the CNBC moderators for the series of negative questions thrown at them early in the two-hour event.

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USA TODAY GOP Power Rankings: Carson is the new king

Ben Carson has overtaken Donald Trump for the first time in USA TODAY’s GOP Power Rankings, deemed the strongest candidate in the Republican field this week by our panel of political experts.

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The Third GOP Presidential Debate: Spin vs. Reality

The third GOP debate has come and gone in this picturesque college town where the Rocky Mountains meet the Great Plains. Here’s a look at how candidates are spinning their performances — and what really happened.

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Report Card: Cruz and Rubio Shine at Battle of Boulder

Young senators could fill outsider and establishment lanes.

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A Rough Night for CNBC, and for Jeb Bush

Re­pub­lic­an pres­id­en­tial can­did­ates held their third de­bate Wed­nes­day night, and the me­dia lost.

With the first vot­ing now less than 100 days away, the sum­mer dom­in­ance of Don­ald Trump fad­ing, and sharp­er el­bows fly­ing, two of the strongest mo­ments in per­haps the two strongest per­form­ances came from at­tack­ing a fa­mil­i­ar Re­pub­lic­an tar­get, “the lib­er­al me­dia.”

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Carson Leads Trump Slightly In Texas KTVT-CBS 11 Dixie Strategies Poll

A KTVT-CBS 11 / Dixie Strategies Poll of over 2,000 likely primary voters in Texas shows a pitched battle taking place at the top of the GOP ticket and Clinton dominance on the Democrat side.

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Deeply Divided Republican Electorate Drifts Toward Ben Carson, Poll Shows

The latest New York Times-CBS News poll makes Republican Party divisions clear, from the choice of a presidential nominee to whether party members are willing to see their leaders compromise on legislation.