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Who’s for whom in Nevada?

As the February 2016 presidential caucuses draw near, campaigns are reaching out to local officials for endorsements. Who’s with whom? We’ve got the list.

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Poll: Trump has twice the support of Bush in New Hampshire

Donald Trump isn’t just doing well in national polls — he’s also making gains among voters in early primary states.

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Donald Trump surging in New Hampshire, Iowa

Donald Trump has surged to the lead in the New Hampshire GOP presidential primary and virtually erased Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s advantage in the Iowa caucuses, according to new NBC News/Marist polls released Sunday.

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Connecting the Dots Behind the 2016 Presidential Candidates

Presidential candidates change, but the people who run the campaigns often remain the same. Here is how the teams behind some likely and announced candidates are connected to previous campaigns, administrations and organizations close to the possible nominees.

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Trump dominates GOP field in name ID

Donald Trump is the best-known Republican candidate in the last two weeks, while former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is second, according to the results of a Gallup tracking poll of Republicans and Republican-leaners out Friday.

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Who’s Winning the GOP ‘Money Primary’

In the ever-important Money Primary, the GOP presidential field has divided into Haves and Have-Nots.

The Haves are former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who has raised $114 million; Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, at $52 million; Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, at $45 million; and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, at $26 million. These figures include the funds raised directly by the campaigns as well as the candidates’ associated super PACs through June 30.

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Donald Trump sits atop 2016 GOP field in another poll

Real estate mogul and 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump is ahead of his fellow Republican contenders in another national survey on the field.