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GOP Insiders: Rubio and Christie shined on Vegas Strip

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio turned in another credible debate showing, but New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie also took advantage of his return to the main GOP debate stage and former Florida Gov. Jeb Brush turned in the kind of performance that many had been waiting for. In a survey of Republican political Insiders by Ballotpedia, 31 percent judged Rubio to be the “biggest winner” of the December 15 GOP presidential debate in Las Vegas conducted by CNN, while 21 percent awarded that title to Christie, and 21 percent gave the nod to Bush.

Campaign Watch

Bush the Biggest Winner of Debate

In typical post-debate coverage and analysis, most observers offer multiple “winners” and “losers” based on a variety of factors. Some of last night’s declared “winners” are no stranger to the label.

However, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who was criticized for lackluster performances in previous debates, is being widely praised for his showing last night. From National Journal:

Winners and Losers in the Las Vegas GOP Presidential Debate

Bush finally seemed to find his voice Tuesday night. But was it too little, too ... Read More >>

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The Republican Primary Dropout Draft

ll right, with the last Republican presidential debate of 2015 tonight, we’re approaching a period when the Republican primary should really start to get going — when the field should start to consolidate. So to get a sense for how the dominoes may tumble, we’re going to play “Dropout Draft.”

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December debate leaves Trump, Cruz, Rubio as clear front-running trio

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz got their first real head-to-head skirmishes in the final debate of 2015, and still nobody set a glove on Donald Trump who holds commanding leads in the national polls.

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Winners and Losers in the Las Vegas GOP Presidential Debate

Tues­day night’s Re­pub­lic­an pres­id­en­tial de­bate in Las Ve­gas didn’t of­fer any ma­jor race-al­ter­ing mo­ments, but it did so­lid­i­fy the re­cent tra­ject­ory of the 2016 cam­paign. That’s wel­come news for Don­ald Trump and Ted Cruz, and a bad sign for Ben Car­son.

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Winners and Losers from the 5th Republican presidential debate

Tuesday’s Las Vegas debate featured a series of high-profile skirmishes. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio battled over the National Security Agency and its metadata program as well as their stances on immigration. Jeb Bush went after Donald Trump hard, casting him as an unserious person; The Donald dismissed Bush as irrelevant because of his low poll numbers.

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GOP debate winners and losers

The final Republican presidential debate of 2015 brought heated clashes between several major candidates in Las Vegas on Tuesday night, when national front-runner Donald Trump tangled with a newly assertive Jeb Bush, and Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz repeatedly jabbed at each other.