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Changing the image: Jeb Bush ditches his glasses, gets presidential

Score one for Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush, who previously vowed he would never take off his “stinking glasses” despite criticism from critics. Has his focus changed? An appearance on ABC News on Sunday revealed the new and improved Jeb, minus glasses, wearing an impeccable dark gray suit and flag pin, hair precisely trimmed, his demeanor calm and direct.

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Fox News Poll: Trump gains in Iowa, still dominates in New Hampshire

With just over a week until the first 2016 election contest, Donald Trump takes the lead in Iowa — and maintains his big advantage in New Hampshire.

That’s according to the latest round of Fox News state polls on the Republican presidential nomination contest.

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Trump Upends New Hampshire Tradition of Retail Politics

In one of the many jokes about New Hampshire that U.S. Senator John McCain likes to tell, one voter asks another for thoughts about a presidential candidate. “I don’t know,” the second voter says. “I’ve only met him twice.”

“That’s been the reality of winning a primary in New Hampshire,” McCain said about the joke in an interview. “Up until this campaign, they want to have contact with the candidate.”

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Ad War Breaks Out Between Jeb Bush and John Kasich

Allies of Jeb Bush and John Kasich are engaging in a full-fledged ad war, with super-PACs supporting the two Republicans releasing scathing TV commercials against each other on New Hampshire airwaves this week.

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Jeb Bush Enlists Family to Help Steady Campaign

Former first lady Barbara Bush will star in a new ad on behalf of her son’s Republican presidential campaign, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush said on Thursday.

Bush also said he was “sure” that he’d campaign with his brother, former President George W. Bush, something that hasn’t happened yet since the former governor launched his bid last year to become the third Bush elected president.

“I’m sure my brother is going to be campaigning by my side,” Bush said at Hampton Academy in Hampton, New Hampshire. Specific details haven’t been decided, Bush told reporters after the event.

Campaign Watch

Choices for the Establishment/Conservative Voter, Part III: John Kasich

Ohio Gov. John Kasich is regarded as one of the four main contenders in the Republican nominating contest for the “establishment” vote, with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio being the other candidates in the running for this bloc of votes. As noted in earlier posts, the candidate who is best able to expand beyond the establishment bloc and bring in conservative voters is likely to be the one best positioned ... Read More >>

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Former Graham state chairman Lambert backs Bush

Following the lead of his favorite former presidential candidate, former state senator and retired Marine Corps Reserves Colonel Gary Lambert is endorsing Jeb Bush for president, has learned.