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Joe Biden says he’s trying to figure out if he has the ’emotional fuel’ to run for president

Vice President Joe Biden is feeling frustrated with the pressure to make up his mind on a presidential run, people who’ve talked with him say, and Wednesday, Democratic officials got to hear just how torn he is.

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Joe Biden ‘no’ on bin Laden raid could haunt him as a 2016 candidate

In May 2011, Vice President Joe Biden was in the White House Situation Room, joining President Barack Obama and his top national security officials for a crucial meeting. The question on the table: whether to order a dangerous Special Forces raid to take out Osama bin Laden.

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Biden More Competitive Than Clinton Against Leading Republicans: Poll

Here’s one more reason to continue speculating about whether Vice President Joe Biden will enter the presidential race: he polls better nationally against the leading three Republican candidates than Hillary Clinton, and has a higher favorability rating, too.

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Yes He Can! 64% of Dems say VP Biden can win presidency

In a potential huge boost for Vice President Joe Biden, more than six of 10 Democrats believe that if he ran he would win the presidency, according to a new poll.

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Hedge Fund Chief Chanos Says He’d Back Biden Presidency Run

Jim Chanos, the hedge fund manager known for betting against companies, said he would back Vice President Joe Biden, who is considering seeking the Democratic nomination for president.

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Clinton has strong lead among Iowa Democrats

Hillary Clinton leads her Democratic presidential challengers in the early caucus state of Iowa, according to the latest Suffolk University Poll released on Tuesday.

The former secretary of state claimed 54 percent of the vote among likely Democratic caucus-goers, followed by independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders at 20 percent, Vice President Joe Biden at 11 percent, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley at 4 percent and former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb at 1 percent.

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Elizabeth Warren backers lukewarm on Joe Biden

Joe Biden is no Elizabeth Warren.

That’s the message being sent by former leaders and foot soldiers of the draft Warren movement after the vice president met privately with the Massachusetts senator on Saturday, in preparation for a possible presidential run.