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Draft Biden Super PAC adds Mike Cuzzi, Dan Eaton

Draft Biden, the Super PAC trying to recruit Vice President Joe Biden as a Democratic presidential candidate, is announcing two key people Wednesday to boost its efforts in New Hampshire and New England.
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Joe Biden Gains Support at Expense of Hillary Clinton, Poll Shows

Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. has yet to decide if he will make a run for president, but his flirtation with the idea is giving him a lift in a new poll and it comes at the expense of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

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Biden road-tests 2016 message

Vice President Biden is road-testing his campaign message ahead of a possible run for the White House.

At a Labor Day parade in Pittsburgh, Biden showed off his working-class roots while calling for policies to address income inequality. Before that, during a two-day swing through Florida, Biden flaunted his foreign policy chops and mingled with party donors.

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Clinton’s lead drops further as interest in Biden grows

Hillary Clinton’s lead among Democrats nationwide is continuing to recede, according to the latest nationwide Monmouth University poll released Tuesday morning.

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Poll: Sanders leads Clinton in New Hampshire, closing in Iowa

Bernie Sanders has a solid lead over Hillary Clinton among New Hampshire Democrats five months ahead of the Granite State’s first-in-the-nation primary, and the Vermont senator is also gaining on Clinton in Iowa, according to NBC News/Marist polls released on Sunday.

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Organized labor wants Joe Biden to run

If Joe Biden runs for president, he can count on the kind of union workers who came here to march next to him on Labor Day: white, ethnic, from families that have been paying local chapter dues for generations.

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Murdoch: Biden ‘very likely’ wins Dem nomination and will be hard to beat

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch likes Vice President Joe Biden’s chances if he runs for the Democratic presidential nominee in 2016.

“Looks like Biden already running,” Murdoch tweeted late Monday. “Very likely he wins nomination and be hard to beat.”