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Hotline’s GOP Presidential Power Rankings

At this (still-early) stage, no Re­pub­lic­an pres­id­en­tial can­did­ate con­trols the vari­ous factors that ul­ti­mately lead to the nom­in­a­tion—not only the polls, but the com­bin­a­tion of fun­drais­ing, en­dorse­ments, me­dia at­ten­tion, and more that com­prise the full cam­paign.

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WBUR Poll: Close N.H. Race Between Trump, Carson

Businessman Donald Trump leads retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson in the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary, 22 percent to 18 percent, according to WBUR’s first poll of the race.

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New poll: Donald Trump still leads, but Ben Carson makes strong gains

At 27 percent nationally, Donald Trump maintains his frontrunner status among Republican primary voters, but Ben Carson is now close behind him, a new CBS News/New York Times poll finds.

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Poll: Hillary Clinton’s support falls by 21 points as Donald Trump gains

Hillary Clinton’s support has fallen by 21 percentage points since July, according to the latest national ABC News/Washington Post poll released Monday.

Meanwhile, support for Donald Trump has surged to 33 percent, a 9-point jump during the same period and a further sign that the billionaire business mogul is in a commanding position in the Republican primary ahead of this week’s GOP debate.

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Poll: Democrats claim resounding Latino support over GOP

Donald Trump may say he loves Latino voters, but Latino voters are not loving him back, according to a new poll.

Any Democratic presidential candidate would resoundingly carry the Latino vote over the current Republican front-runner if the 2016 election were held today, according to the latest MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist poll released Friday.

Campaign Watch

Perry’s Exit May Have an Impact on the Race

The news at the end of last week that former Texas Gov. Rick Perry was suspending his campaign for the GOP nomination and exiting the race took few by surprise, as numerous stories in recent weeks had reported on his campaign’s lack of funds and poor showing in the polls. The New York Times this morning has an interesting story detailing polling data that show Perry lost more than half of his support to businessman Donald Trump when the latter ... Read More >>

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The Not-Trump-Not-Bush Republican Primary

A lot of the support for Donald Trump is fueled by outrage against the Republican establishment. But those who ask us to understand this anger—as if it were a totally new phenomenon that none of us had ever noticed before—are ignoring the fact that Trump divides the right just as much as the establishment does.