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Poll: Donald Trump nearly doubles lead in New Hampshire

Donald Trump has a growing lead among likely primary voters in New Hampshire, and both he and Marco Rubio have gained ground in the state since September, according to a new CNN/WMUR poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey

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Carly Fiorina picks up 33 Georgia endorsements ahead of Atlanta visit

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has a range of new Georgia supporters backing her campaign on the eve of her visit to Atlanta.

The former Hewlett-Packard chief executive, who has a 3:30 p.m. town hall meeting at Georgia Tech’s Student Success Center auditorium on Tuesday, will be welcomed by 33 endorsements when she arrives.

Campaign Watch

Candidates at Forum Shine in Iowa Republicans’ Huge Tent

By Stephen Moore

On Saturday five of the leading GOP presidential candidates gathered in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for the Freedom Works citizens forum “Rising Tide.” I participated as a moderator and speaker.

Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul, and Rick Santorum were on their A game. Their message: Fight a real (not a faux) war on Islamic terrorism, sharply cut tax rates and simplify the tax code, get government off the backs of business, and balance the budget by shrinking government.

As one participant from Freedom ...

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Obradovich: Call this GOP forum ‘Cruz-a-palooza’

The official name of Saturday’s Republican presidential candidate gathering was the Rising Tide Summit, but judging from the crowd response, we can just call it “Cruz-a-palooza.”

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New poll: Jump for Christie, Cruz, but Trump still dominant

POLLSTER CALLS CHRISTIE ‘MOMENTUM CANDIDATE.’ The results of a new poll released Thursday by Public Policy Polling of North Carolina prompted the firm’s director to call Chris Christie the “clear momentum candidate” in New Hampshire.

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CNN/ORC Poll: Trump alone at the top again

Donald Trump is once again alone at the top of the Republican field, according to the latest CNN/ORC Poll, with 36% of registered Republicans and Republican-leaning independents behind him, while his nearest competitor trails by 20 points.

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Four Nevada GOP State Chairwomen Back Carly Fiorina for President

Four former Nevada Republican State Chairwomen are throwing their support behind GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, with the Nevada primary just slightly over two months away.

Hon. Amy Tarkanian, Hon. Earlene Forsythe, Hon. Lia Roberts and Hon. Valerie Weber – all former Nevada Republican State Chairwomen – have decided to join Fiorina’s leadership team in the Silver State.