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In battleground states of Ohio and Michigan, Biden hears chants of ‘Joe, Joe, Joe’

In any other year, a pair of speeches by Vice President Joe Biden on transportation and sexual assault would raise few eyebrows in the political world. This isn’t any other year.

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Biden may not decide soon

Joe Biden may have more time to make up his mind about running for president than most people assume. He and the people planning his potential campaign certainly think so.

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Is Joe Biden Really the Answer to Democrats’ Problems?

The wheels haven’t come off Hillary Rodham Clinton’s bus quite yet, but they’re getting wobblier. Hence the Joe Biden boomlet. As a columnist, never mind as a conservative, I think it’s a fantastic idea. (A Biden vs. Trump debate would cause a national popcorn shortage.) But is Biden really the answer to the Democrats’ problem?
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More Republicans See Donald Trump as a Winner, Poll Finds

Republicans increasingly think that Donald J. Trump has the best chance of winning the 2016 presidential election as their nominee as confidence fades in traditional politicians like Jeb Bush and Scott Walker, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll.

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Joe Biden Supporters Ramp Up a Campaign-in-Waiting

Vice President Joe Biden’s aides and supporters have intensified efforts in recent days to create a campaign-in-waiting, developing more detailed plans for staffing, fundraising and organizing as they prepare for a possible 2016 presidential bid.

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Why Joe Biden’s decision could make or break Hillary Clinton

Will Joe Biden run? It’s one of the biggest questions hanging over the Democratic presidential primary race right now, and a new Washington Post-ABC News poll illustrates one reason why.

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Hillary Clinton Might Be Wondering: What’s President Obama Up To?

President Barack Obama says he has no preference in the Democratic fight to succeed him. Hillary Clinton could be forgiven for having her doubts.

Officially Obama hasn’t taken a position in the potential contest between two of the most prominent members of his “Team of Rivals” cabinet.