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Clinton and Trump Are Shuffling the Electoral Map

In the campaign’s final weeks, Hillary Clinton’s position now looks stronger in Florida than in Ohio; in Virginia than in Wisconsin; and in Colorado and even North Carolina than in Iowa.

In other news, the sun today rose in the West.

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Donald Trump is running out of time

In a presidential contest driven by big events, Donald Trump is running out of opportunities to rebound.

The Republican’s running mate Mike Pence turned in a solid but fact-challenged performance in the second of four general-election debates, but it hardly changed the shape of a race that has been moving in Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine’s favor for a week.

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North Carolina Is Becoming A Backstop For Clinton

Hillary Clinton continues to gain ground in our presidential forecast, as it becomes clearer that last week’s debate was a turning point in the race. In fact, the polls we added to our database on Tuesday may have been Donald Trump’s worst since the debate. They included surveys showing Clinton leading Trump by 9 percentage points and 10 points in Pennsylvania, by 6 points and 2 points in North Carolina, and by 3 points in Nevada.

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Hillary Clinton leans on black women to stop Donald Trump in Ohio

Darren Rutledge missed his opportunity to vote for the first African-American president. He was in prison.

Today, Rutledge, his smile flecked with gold, works trimming beards at Incredible Creations Beauty and Barber shop here in downtown Cincinnati. With Hillary Clinton on the presidential ballot in Ohio, Rutledge is eager to have his chance to make a statement with his vote.

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Pence Shows What Could Have Been

Vice pres­id­en­tial de­bates don’t de­cide elec­tions. But Mike Pence’s com­mand­ing per­form­ance against Tim Kaine offered a tan­tal­iz­ing pre­view of where Re­pub­lic­ans would be if they had nom­in­ated a more tra­di­tion­al pres­id­en­tial nom­in­ee.

On is­sue after is­sue, Pence put Kaine on the de­fens­ive, for­cing him to de­fend Hil­lary Clin­ton’s po­s­i­tions on the Rus­sia re­set, her email serv­er’s se­cur­ity, Pres­id­ent Obama’s health care law, and the ad­min­is­tra­tion’s cur­rent policy in Syr­ia.

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Post-debate, Clinton takes the lead

Hillary Clinton emerges from the first presidential debate with a five-point lead over Donald Trump in the race for the presidency, having narrowed the enthusiasm gap between her supporters and Trump’s, and holding broad advantages over the Republican nominee as the candidate with the right temperament and preparation for the job, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.

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Race breaking Clinton’s way

Hillary Clinton has a small but meaningful edge over Donald Trump with a little more than five weeks to go until the election.

Clinton has moved onto firmer ground over the last week, thanks to her performance in the first primetime debate and ongoing troubles for Trump. She has led in every significant battleground state poll conducted in the debate’s aftermath.