Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul ended his campaign for the Republican nomination this morning following a fifth-place finish in the Iowa caucuses. From CNBC's coverage:
GOP presidential candidate Rand Paul suspends campaign: Report
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul suspended his run for the White House on Wednesday.
"It's been an incredible honor to run a principled campaign for the White House. Today, I will end where I began, ready and willing to fight for the cause of Liberty," Paul said in a statement. "Across the country thousands upon thousands of young people flocked to our message of limited government, privacy, criminal justice reform and a reasonable foreign policy. Brushfires of Liberty were ignited, and those will carry on, as will I.
It is unclear who might benefit most from his departure, but given Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's outreach and appeals to libertarian-oriented voters, he would seem to be well positioned to pick up a sizable portion of Paul's supporters.