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Eye On Candidates
April 7, 2015

Paul Launches Campaign Today With Focus on Electability

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is set to announce his campaign for President today, and judging by this article in The Hill he will be arguing that he's more electable than other candidates:

Paul to argue electability with 2016 launch

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will become the second major GOP presidential candidate to officially launch a White House bid on Tuesday.

While Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) announcement last month sought to rally religious conservatives, Paul is poised to tout his electability and ways he expands the reach of the Republican Party.

Here’s a rundown of what to expect on Tuesday and in the days that follow as Paul hits the 2016 trail.

The big announcement

The Kentucky senator will officially launch his White House bid at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Ky., at noon.

The Paul campaign says it expects “well over a thousand” supporters will be on hand. The campaign is also expecting a huge media presence – press set-up begins at 4 a.m. and closes two hours before the event is scheduled to start...

Paul gave a sneak peak into what his message will be in a pre-announcement video that has been prominently featured on the influential conservative website Drudge Report for the last two days.

“On April 7, a different kind of Republican will take on Washington,” the video says at the open.

Whereas Cruz’s launch was laser-focused on rallying evangelical Christians, Paul is gearing up to make the argument that he has cross-party appeal...

So this makes two, and it's fair to assume another half-dozen will be jumping in over the next several weeks.