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2016 Campaign Watch

A roundup of news and opinions on all the presidential candidates, both Democrats and Republicans. We create and continually update the 2016 Campaign Watch to help educate America's voters on the issues at hand and each candidate's stances.
John Kasich’s Possible Path to the Nomination
June 23, 2015

John Kasich’s Possible Path to the Nomination

One of the most important questions for every candidate running for the nomination in 2016, particularly on the crowded Republican side, is what is their path to the nomination? What coalitions do they need to build and what segments of the party do they need to appeal to?

Henry Olsen, writing at National Review Online, has some interesting thoughts on what Ohio Governor John Kasich’s path to the GOP nomination might be:

Why Kasich Matters (and Could Win) Ohio Governor John Kasich does ...

Scott Walker’s Challenges in a General Election
June 23, 2015

Scott Walker’s Challenges in a General Election

Stuart Rothenberg, one of the more prominent and insightful political analysts around, takes a look at Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and the sort of challenges he faces in securing the Republican nomination and then, potentially, winning the general election in November 2016. Not surprisingly, Rothenberg sees a much easier path to the former than the latter.

Does Scott Walker Have What It Takes to Win in 2016?

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is widely viewed as a top-tier hopeful for the GOP presidential ...

Questions for Sanders Campaign
June 23, 2015

Questions for Sanders Campaign

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is drawing big crowds and a level of media attention that has to please the campaign. The Washington Post offers some interesting observations on his campaign so far, starting with it’s conclusion that Sanders can’t actually win the nomination but will have an impact.

The Daily 202: 5 takeaways from Bernie’s bounce

THE BIG IDEA: Bernie Sanders will not be the Democratic nominee, but he is tapping into an emerging liberal tea party movement…

Despite that conclusion, the piece ...