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Eye On Candidates
February 19, 2015

Jindal Picks Up Big-League Campaign Lawyer

By Sean Parnell

Jim Bopp, who probably has the most distinguished career of anybody in the fight against free-speech suppressing campaign finance laws, has joined the budding campaign of Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. National Review reports:

Superlawyer Behind Citizens United Joins Jindal Team

The conservative superlawyer behind the monumental victory in the Citizens United case, Jim Bopp, is signing on with Bobby Jindal’s nascent presidential campaign as an legal adviser to Jindal’s think tank, America Next.

“If and when Jindal becomes a candidate for President, Bopp will be on board,” says a Jindal adviser. A a former vice chairman of the Republican National Committee and chairman of its conservative steering committee, Bopp will also work his network of conservative contacts — and RNC members — across the country on Jindal’s behalf.

Bopp has devoted the bulk of his professional life to demolishing campaign-finance restrictions. He not only represented the conservative activist group Citizens United before the Supreme Court in its 2010 challenge to the McCain-Feingold Act, but he has taken on dozens of similar restrictions on the state level across the country…

You can read the whole article here: