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March 18, 2016

Apple CEO Comments on Trump’s Call for Apple Boycott

In an interview with TIME published on Thursday, Apple CEO Tim Cook was asked to comment on Donald Trump’s call for a boycott of Apple products because the company refused to unlock the iPhones of the San Bernardino shooters. Cook said, “I haven’t talked to him so I don’t know what he thinks. The way I look at it is, Apple is this great American company that could have only happened here. And we see it as our responsibility to stand up on something like this and speak up for all these people that are thinking what we’re thinking but don’t have the voice. We don’t see it as our role as the decision maker. We understand Congress sets laws. But we [see] it as our role not to just let it happen. I mean too many times in history has this happened, where the government over reached, did something that in retrospect somebody should have stood up and said ‘Stop.’"