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Scott Walker Tumbles to 3 Percent in Iowa in Latest Quinnipiac Poll

Scott Walker, the one-time Republican front-runner in Iowa, has taken a precipitous fall in a new poll of those likely to vote in the first presidential nomination contest on Feb. 1.

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New Hampshire GOP icon Ruth Griffin backs Kasich for president

An iconic figure in New Hampshire politics has made her choice for president. has learned Ruth Griffin of Portsmouth, who served 20 years on the Executive Council and is one of the most respected women in state Republican politics, has endorsed Ohio Gov. John Kasich, saying he “will provide the strong new leadership America needs.”

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CNN moves prime-time GOP debate to 8 p.m.

CNN has moved its primetime Republican debate from 9 p.m. EST to 8 p.m., eliminating the long gap between its main event and the earlier forum for second-tier candidates, the network told campaigns in a conference call Tuesday afternoon.

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2016: Who’s Out, Who’s In?

Jim Gilmore, George Pataki, and Rick Perry are capable former governors with limited support who will (or should) soon withdraw. (Memo to Rick Perry’s $17 million Super PACs: Deploy the funds on targeted U.S. Senate races next year.) Governor Bobby Jindal is brainy but comes across as an esoteric policy wonk. Staying for the endgame will not help him win the vice-presidential nomination.

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‘Legion’ for Sanders at Milford parade; GOP candidates ask for votes

Milford was the place to be on Monday, as several presidential hopefuls shook hundreds of hands and posed for countless photographs during the town’s popular Labor Day parade.
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John Kasich brings a little bit of Jesus to secular New Hampshire

John Kasich has been a practicing politician for nearly 30 years, but he’s making sure voters know he’s still a regular guy.

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Poll: Sanders leads Clinton in New Hampshire, closing in Iowa

Bernie Sanders has a solid lead over Hillary Clinton among New Hampshire Democrats five months ahead of the Granite State’s first-in-the-nation primary, and the Vermont senator is also gaining on Clinton in Iowa, according to NBC News/Marist polls released on Sunday.