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Mormon Support Could Push McMullin Over the Top in Utah

In an election year when voters in record numbers say they’re fed up with major-party nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, Utah alone appears poised to walk the walk and deliver a win for independent Evan McMullin.

In no small part, support for McMullin in Utah and and a handful of other western states stems from his Mormon faith, but many members of the Church of Latter Day Saints also say he’s the only candidate on the ballot who shares their political vision.

Campaign Watch

Path to victory narrows for Trump

Winning the presidency ultimately boils down to patching together enough states to win 270 or more electoral votes. According to an analysis by Politico, that task is almost entirely out of reach for Donald Trump at this point:

Trump’s incredible shrinking map

In June, POLITICO identified 11 key battleground states — totaling 146 electoral votes — that would effectively decide the presidential election in November. A new examination of polling data and strategic campaign ad buys indicates that six of those 11 ... Read More >>

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Trump’s incredible shrinking map

In June, POLITICO identified 11 key battleground states — totaling 146 electoral votes — that would effectively decide the presidential election in November. A new examination of polling data and strategic campaign ad buys indicates that six of those 11 are now comfortably in Hillary Clinton’s column.

Clinton leads Donald Trump by 5 points or greater in POLITICO’s Battleground States polling average in Colorado, Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

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Tiny Maine is getting outsize attention from Clinton and Trump

Michael Madore and Tom Leet remember when this was called the “Magic City,” an oasis of prosperity in the dense Maine woods. The magic and the paper mills that created it are gone, and the men disagree on which presidential candidate can best help bring something — anything — back. But they know this year their vote might have a little more weight than usual.

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Trump raises $9M from Facebook Live videos

Republican nominee Donald Trump raised $9 million from two Facebook Live video events on Wednesday, according to a report by Politico.

The online videos asked the viewers to donate $10 or more to the Trump campaign ahead of the Federal Election Commission’s midnight deadline.

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AJC poll: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are deadlocked in Georgia

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are deadlocked in Georgia with less than three weeks until Election Day, according to a new Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll.

The poll released Friday shows Trump leading Clinton 44-42 among likely Georgia voters, which is within the poll’s margin of error. Libertarian Gary Johnson is at 9 percent in the poll, and another 4 percent had not yet made up their minds.

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Donald Trump Leaves a Car Wreck Behind

Re­pub­lic­ans will now have four years to think about what they did to them­selves this year, plenty of time to con­tem­plate the con­sequences of hand­ing over their party’s car keys to the tea-party move­ment and watch­ing as the quint­es­sen­tial tea parti­er, Don­ald Trump, drove the car over a cliff. If Re­pub­lic­ans are really, really lucky, their cur­rent 54-46 Sen­ate ma­jor­ity will only be cut back to 51-49. Los­ing the Sen­ate is at least an even bet, and some ana­lysts think the GOP’s chances are much worse than that. If the Re­pub­lic­ans are really for­tu­nate, they can keep their House losses down to 15 seats or so, half of their cur­rent mar­gin.