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The Candidates Who Can’t

Which presidential candidates have a low to nonexistent chance of winning?

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It’s a Marathon — Fiorina Plans to Exceed Expectations and Hang On

“I need your help,” Carly Fiorina told a crowd gathered on the patio at Geno’s Chowder & Sandwich Shop here Tuesday morning. “I need your help to get my name out there. I need your help to advocate for me, to say to people, you know what, she’s the real deal. I think she can do it. Listen to her.”
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Donald Trump leads GOP field in North Carolina: poll

Real estate mogul Donald Trump leads the 2016 GOP field in a new survey on North Carolina.

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GOP long-shots plan early-state ad blitz

The 2016 ad wars have begun.

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GOP gears up for long primary grind

The Republican National Committee changed its presidential nominating process to make it more clean and decisive, to avoid the rotating gang of front-runners many believe damaged the party’s prospects in 2012. But many candidates are preparing for a messy, fractious crawl to the 2016 nomination anyway — and they’re stockpiling the cash to do it.

Campaign Watch

2016 Predictions Require Caution

With the field for the 2016 nomination nearly filled out, political pundits and prognosticators of all stripes are making their assessments about who is a viable candidate and who is not, which “lane” a given candidate is competing in and who they might be blocking, and how the overall campaign is likely to play out. One prominent forecaster, Sean Trende of, takes to Politico Magazine this morning to urge a little caution about how much stock to put in ... Read More >>

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Clinton, Bush lead 2016 fundraising race as Cruz, Carson exceed expectations

Hillary Rodham Clinton and Jeb Bush, two establishment candidates with long-polished fundraising machines, are poised to finish the first half of the year with the most donations in a crowded 2016 presidential campaign field where the money chase is the first real primary.