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If Ben Carson and Donald Trump Fade, Who Gets Their Supporters?

There is no reason to believe Ben Carson or Donald Trump will surrender their perch atop the polls anytime soon, but that hasn’t stopped the guessing about which Republican their supporters would back, if either stumbles down the stretch.

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Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are far behind in their own home state

There’s fresh evidence here of the unthinkable: Florida’s biggest Republican stars, former governor Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio, run the risk of losing their state’s winner-take-all primary next year to an out-of-state contender.

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After pulling punches at the debate, GOP candidates take the gloves off

Whatever reservations Donald Trump had about attacking Ben Carson during this week’s debate are gone. Last night, in a 95-minute rant at an Iowa community college, the billionaire businessman ripped into the retired neurosurgeon – who has eclipsed him in polls of likely caucus-goers – over his embellished personal narrative.

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Iowa, New Hampshire battles heat up for Republican field

The Republican White House field is sprinting toward the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary — in two distinct groups.

Several contenders are putting all of their chips on New Hampshire, where the Feb. 9 primary looks to be a make-or-break affair for Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

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Why Republican Presidential Candidates May Pass on Florida’s Primary

Flor­ida Re­pub­lic­ans get their mo­ment in the sun­shine this week­end, as the pres­id­en­tial field vis­its Or­lando for a gath­er­ing of state party lead­ers.

They should prob­ably en­joy the at­ten­tion while it lasts.

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Donald Trump, Marco Rubio Won GOP Debate, Poll Finds

Donald Trump and Marco Rubio won Tuesday’s night primetime Republican debate, according to an overnight poll of Internet users who watched the contest, but Mr. Trump came out as the favorite among Republicans and left the best impression about his ability to serve as president.

Campaign Watch

Could Cruz and Rubio Be the Last 2 Standing?

A growing number of political and media observers are suggesting that the GOP nomination could come down in the end to a battle between two freshmen senators, Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida. Two stories this morning take up the theory, including this from Politico:

The coming fight between Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz

The two Cuban-Americans, both 40-something, first-term senators with tea party credentials, continue to trail outsider candidates Donald Trump and Ben Carson in the polls. But ... Read More >>