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Libertarian Party’s Gary Johnson to Appear on Election Ballots in All 50 States

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson’s campaign said Tuesday that he will be on the ballot in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia, marking the first time in two decades a third-party presidential ticket has appeared on every state ballot.

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Trump Has 5-Point Lead in Bloomberg Poll of Battleground Ohio

Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 5 percentage points in a Bloomberg Politics poll of Ohio, a gap that underscores the Democrat’s challenges in critical Rust Belt states after one of the roughest stretches of her campaign.

The Republican nominee leads Clinton 48 percent to 43 percent among likely voters in a two-way contest and 44 percent to 39 percent when third-party candidates are included.

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The Campaign’s September Surprise

Last week, I wrote about the fun­da­ment­al sta­bil­ity of the pres­id­en­tial race—with Don­ald Trump’s con­sist­ently high neg­at­ives and per­sist­ent weak­ness with non­white voters, Re­pub­lic­an wo­men, and col­lege-edu­cated whites mak­ing it very dif­fi­cult for him to pre­vail. I wrote it would take a Septem­ber sur­prise to change the tra­ject­ory of the race.

That sur­prise just happened.

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September disaster for Clinton campaign

Hillary Clinton’s health problems — and, in particular, the shocking video of her being helped into a van on Sunday — are the worst developments yet for a campaign that has hit a serious rough patch.

Before the health drama, polls were already tightening, and the Democratic presidential nominee had delivered a semi-apology for asserting that half of Donald Trump’s supporters came from a “basket of deplorables.”

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Worried Republicans are pouring resources into North Carolina

After years of successfully holding off Democratic gains in this rapidly changing state, Republicans are scrambling to pour new resources into North Carolina in the face of unexpectedly close contests in the presidential and Senate races.

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Hillary Clinton’s Dumb Campaign

It’s in­ter­est­ing to watch Hil­lary Clin­ton’s highly schizo­phren­ic cam­paign. On one level, in terms of strategy and tac­tics, or­gan­iz­a­tion­al abil­it­ies, use of tech­no­logy, and the like, it is a very im­press­ive ef­fort, a blend­ing of the best from her 2008 cam­paign with the cream of the 2008 and 2012 Obama pres­id­en­tial ef­forts.

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How the Battleground Game Is Played

Regardless of local demographics, there are only three types of voters. Most have highly predictable partisan loyalties. Those who regularly vote comprise our base number, the minimum total of votes each candidate should be able to count on without really trying.