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Report Card: Cruz and Rubio Shine at Battle of Boulder

Young senators could fill outsider and establishment lanes.

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A Rough Night for CNBC, and for Jeb Bush

Re­pub­lic­an pres­id­en­tial can­did­ates held their third de­bate Wed­nes­day night, and the me­dia lost.

With the first vot­ing now less than 100 days away, the sum­mer dom­in­ance of Don­ald Trump fad­ing, and sharp­er el­bows fly­ing, two of the strongest mo­ments in per­haps the two strongest per­form­ances came from at­tack­ing a fa­mil­i­ar Re­pub­lic­an tar­get, “the lib­er­al me­dia.”

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The Whole Room Hated the Media, but Who Else Lost the Republican Presidential Debate?

The can­did­ates agreed, and the crowd agreed: CN­BC’s mod­er­at­ors wer­en’t be­ing fair to the Re­pub­lic­ans on stage dur­ing Wed­nes­day night’s pres­id­en­tial de­bate. But bey­ond that, there was little in the way of har­mony. Here’s who thrived, sur­vived, and floundered in the primary’s third pres­id­en­tial de­bate.

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Deeply Divided Republican Electorate Drifts Toward Ben Carson, Poll Shows

The latest New York Times-CBS News poll makes Republican Party divisions clear, from the choice of a presidential nominee to whether party members are willing to see their leaders compromise on legislation.

Campaign Watch

What to Look for in 3rd Republican Debate Tonight

Tonight will be the third debate featuring 14 of the 15 Republicans running for their party’s 2016 presidential nomination. Tonight’s event will once again include a prime-time debate with the 10 candidates polling at or above 2.5 percent in national polls and an earlier “undercard” with the four who fall short of that measure but still register at 1 percent or better in at least one national poll. Only former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore didn’t make the cut for either ... Read More >>

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What to Look for in the Republican Debate

The Republican presidential candidates will gather Wednesday in Boulder, Colo., for their third debate of the primary season. The “undercard” debate starts at 6 p.m. Eastern, and the main event starts at 8 p.m. We asked Jonathan Martin, a national political correspondent for The Times, for his insights on what to watch for as the race takes new turns.

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The Carson-Trump Slugfest, Plus 9 Other Things to Watch at Wednesday’s GOP Debate

It’s that time again: The third Republican presidential primary debate is upon us. On Wednesday night, the 14 top candidates will gather in Boulder, Colorado, for a showdown over the economy hosted by CNBC.