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Fading Carson Might Play Spoiler in Iowa

Ben Car­son may not win the Iowa Re­pub­lic­an caucuses, but the one-time front-run­ner in the state still could play a sig­ni­fic­ant role Monday: spoil­er.

Since top­ping the Iowa polls with sup­port as high as 32 per­cent in Oc­to­ber, Car­son’s stand­ing in the state that kicks off the pres­id­en­tial nom­in­at­ing pro­cess has slid dra­mat­ic­ally.

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A Time for Culling, Not for Winning

It’s now less than a week be­fore the Iowa caucuses, two weeks be­fore the New Hamp­shire primary, and thus time for polit­ic­al afi­cion­ados to whip them­selves in­to frenzy. People of­ten be­come so pre­oc­cu­pied with the two con­tests that they lose sight of the lar­ger pic­ture. So take a deep breath, every­one: Neither party’s nom­in­a­tion is likely to be settled by the out­comes in Iowa or New Hamp­shire, or even the two com­bined.

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The Secret Science of Winning the Iowa Caucuses

An hour before the Jan. 14 Republican debate, 250 of Ted Cruz’s most dedicated Iowa field organizers huddled in the Heritage Assembly of God church gymnasium in Des Moines. Over a dinner of potato chips and sandwiches, they sat down for a tutorial in caucus-night tactics.

Campaign Watch

Explaining Sanders and Trump

It’s unknown whether Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and businessman Donald Trump will win their parties’ respective caucuses next week in Iowa, but it seems fairly likely that both will finish well above where most political pundits predicted when each first entered the race. This of late has spawned a number of articles seeking to explain how these two candidates managed to confound their doubters. Tim Carney of the Washington Examiner has a long and interesting article this morning that attempts ... Read More >>

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Santorum to reconsider campaign after Iowa

Rick Santorum said he will reconsider his presidential campaign if he fails to finish “ahead of the pack that’s sitting in single digits right now” in the Iowa caucuses next week.

“If the people of Iowa put their faith in me, we’re going to continue on,” Santorum told the Des Moines Register Sunday.

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Fox News Poll: Trump gains in Iowa, still dominates in New Hampshire

With just over a week until the first 2016 election contest, Donald Trump takes the lead in Iowa — and maintains his big advantage in New Hampshire.

That’s according to the latest round of Fox News state polls on the Republican presidential nomination contest.

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Santorum Struggles To Regain 2012 Momentum

Four years ago, the Iowa caucuses were very, very good to former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.

In a race where seemingly every Republican candidate took a turn at the head of the polls, Santorum peaked at just the right time. He won a razor-thin race in Iowa, proclaimed “game on” to a caucus-night crowd, and went on to be 2012’s GOP runner-up.