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Rivals’ alliance is easiest way to force brokered convention, stop Trump nomination

The last best hope for Donald Trump’s three rivals to stop him may be for them to agree to a March 15 alliance in the hope of forcing a brokered convention, analysts say.

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Trump’s Mo Slows, But Too Late?

In a nor­mal polit­ic­al en­vir­on­ment, Don­ald Trump would have had a good night on Su­per Tues­day, es­tab­lish­ing him­self as the de facto Re­pub­lic­an pres­id­en­tial nom­in­ee. But this isn’t a nor­mal elec­tion year. And in a world where most of the party’s power­brokers are (be­latedly) try­ing to stop Trump at all costs, the ef­fort to block his nom­in­a­tion be­came more plaus­ible this week.

Campaign Watch

The Day After Super Tuesday

The results of yesterday’s caucuses and primaries played out about as expected – former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and businessman Donald Trump won a majority of their parties’ contests, while Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders successfully defended their home turf and won a few other states as well. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio finally won a contest (Minnesota’s caucuses) and ran a strong second in Virginia, but few seem to think he did well last night. ... Read More >>

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Cruz pins his hopes on two-man race

It wasn’t the Super Tuesday result that Ted Cruz might have envisioned a month ago, but his victories in Texas, Oklahoma and Alaska gave him a rationale to continue his campaign- and to attempt to seize the title of Trump alternative, as he looks to build momentum in the series of states that vote ahead of March 15.

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5 takeaways from Super Tuesday

Democrats and Republicans ratified their respective front-runners on Super Tuesday — and the two winners revealed two parties galloping in radically divergent directions.

The Democrats’ top priority in coalescing behind Hillary Clinton: running the country.

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Super Tuesday = Super for Trump

There are only two real storylines out of Tuesday night’s SEC primary: 1. Trump is on a roll and more likely than not, on a path to the GOP nomination; and 2. there is no consensus alternative to Trump. Here are my four quick takeaways for what Super Tuesday means going forward.

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Super Tuesday winners, losers

Tuesday was the biggest day of the presidential primary calendar to date as Republicans and Democrats each fought 11 state contests.
The two top questions as Super Tuesday dawned were whether any Republican could stop Donald Trump’s march toward the nomination and whether Bernie Sanders could slow Hillary Clinton’s progress toward the Democratic nod.