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Should Bush Fight for Iowa?

The POLITICO Caucus is chock-full of interesting insights from leading Iowa and New Hampshire political insiders on the 2016 nomination contests. Leading off, whether Jeb Bush should compete strongly in the Iowa Caucuses:

Insiders say Bush shouldn’t ignore Iowa

Jeb Bush’s failure to invest time in Iowa is the main explanation for his seventh-place finish in the latest poll of likely Republican caucusgoers.

The POLITICO Caucus, our weekly bipartisan pulse-taking of the most important activists, operatives and elected officials in Iowa and New ... Read More >>

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Forever Ready for Elizabeth Warren

It was progressive fun while it lasted. In the Draft Elizabeth Warren movement, the Democratic Party’s liberal branch got to tout its dream candidate, keep its populist agenda attached to a high-profile public figure, and organize around a clearly defined goal. But now, of course, it’s time to let go: Warren has said “no” to a presidential run in just about every way possible. (“I am not running and I am not going to run,” she said in March.) Hillary Clinton has both officially joined the race and unofficially adopted many of Warren’s policy positions. And if progressives want to rally around a dyed-in-the-wool liberal in the primary, they have the newly announced Sen. Bernie Sanders.

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The Virtual Candidate: Elizabeth Warren isn’t running, but she’s Hillary Clinton’s biggest Democratic threat

The relationship between Senator Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton, the Party’s most likely Presidential nominee, goes back to the second half of the Clinton Administration. Warren told me recently that the most dramatic policy fight of her life was one in which Bill and Hillary Clinton were intimately involved. She recalls it as the “ten-year war.” Between 1995 and 2005, Warren, a professor who had established herself as one of the country’s foremost experts on bankruptcy law, managed to turn an arcane issue of financial regulation into a major political issue.

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All in for Warren, liberals lack a Plan B

The “Run Warren Run” campaign’s devotion to Sen. Elizabeth Warren could prevent its growing network of liberal grass-roots activists from rallying behind another Democratic presidential candidate if the Massachusetts freshman senator sticks to her refusal to run, the group’s leaders said Wednesday.

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Warren Keeps Imprint on 2016; Applauds Progressive Pledge

Keeping her imprint on the 2016 Democratic primary, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is heralding a commitment from thousands of party officials to push Hillary Rodham Clinton to adopt her populist economic policies.

Campaign Watch

Washington Post Poll Sets the Scene

The Washington Post conducted a poll of American adults (not registered voters or likely voters, it’s worth noting) on the 2016 potential candidates. There aren’t many surprises, but there are a few interesting bits of information. Some excerpts:

Poll: Bush now tops GOP field; Clinton runs ahead of all Republicans

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush now leads the field of Republican candidates for the party’s 2016 presidential nomination, but former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton enjoys a decided advantage over Bush ... Read More >>

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“I’m Not Running”: Elizabeth Warren Shuts Down 2016 Speculation Again

Sorry, “Elizabeth Warren for President” holdouts.

The U.S. senator from Massachusetts on Tuesday dealt another blow to supporters — and rivals on the right — hoping she’ll enter the 2016 race, repeating her intention to stay on the sidelines.