An army of liberal green activists has yet to coalesce around a Democratic presidential candidate, and Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley are fighting to win them over.
Read More >>Karl Savage is the kind of guy that makes top Democrats nervous.
Read More >>When Scott Walker announces for president on Monday, he will do so from a position of strength: four in five early-state insiders consider him a top tier candidate. And he’s the clear frontrunner in Iowa: 82 percent of Hawkeye State Republicans also said he would win the caucuses if they were held tomorrow.
Read More >>With the field for the 2016 nomination nearly filled out, political pundits and prognosticators of all stripes are making their assessments about who is a viable candidate and who is not, which “lane” a given candidate is competing in and who they might be blocking, and how the overall campaign is likely to play out. One prominent forecaster, Sean Trende of, takes to Politico Magazine this morning to urge a little caution about how much stock to put in ... Read More >>
Hillary Rodham Clinton and Jeb Bush, two establishment candidates with long-polished fundraising machines, are poised to finish the first half of the year with the most donations in a crowded 2016 presidential campaign field where the money chase is the first real primary.
Read More >>New Hampshire’s political dynamic at the midpoint of this preelection year is both utterly familiar and unlike anything voters here have seen before.
Read More >>Hillary Clinton is a near-lock for the Democratic nomination for many reasons, but among the most significant is that her challengers have minimal appeal to the party’s base of African-American voters.