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Hillary Clinton’s unfavorable rating approaches record territory: poll

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s unfavorable numbers are approaching record territory, according to a poll released Wednesday.

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Hillary Clinton’s Capitol Hill Helpers

Between the rise of Bernie Sanders, the email con­tro­versy hanging over her cam­paign, and Joe Biden’s po­ten­tial run, Hil­lary Clin­ton needs all the help she can get—even as she re­mains the front-run­ner for the 2016 Demo­crat­ic nom­in­a­tion.

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Could Hillary lose Iowa and New Hampshire? You bet.

In politics, the unthinkable must be thought about.

Not all that long ago, it was unthinkable that Hillary Clinton could lose Iowa, the first of the 2016 presidential contests.

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How Iowa’s premier pollster sees the 2016 race shaking out

The release of new Iowa poll numbers by the Des Moines Register and Bloomberg Politics is one of the few stop-what-you-are-doing-and-see-what-they-say moments left in politics. The woman behind the poll, which gets Iowa right every time, is Ann Selzer. After the new Register numbers came out Saturday night, I reached out to Ann to see if she might expand on a few questions I had about the poll.

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Hillary Clinton Secures Backing of Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire

Senator Jeanne Shaheen, the popular Democrat from New Hampshire and the first woman to be elected senator and governor in the state, will publicly endorse Hillary Rodham Clinton next Saturday, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign said.

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A summer of Clinton stumbles gives way to an uncertain fall for Democrats

The Democratic Party, whose presidential race has been mostly overshadowed by Donald Trump and the Republicans, heads into the fall with its nomination contest far less certain than it once appeared and braced for a series of events that will have a significant effect on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign.

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6 thoughts about the state of the Democratic race

Democrats flocked to Minnesota this past weekend for the Democratic National Committee’s summer meeting — a largely formulaic event notable largely for the kibitzing and complaining about the presidential candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton and the speculation about the possible candidacy of Joe Biden.