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International Relations


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The United States is the leading power for international stability and security in the world, and must not abdicate this role by “leading from behind” or reducing foreign policy aims to “don’t do stupid stuff.” In a world filled by crisis, including ongoing turmoil in Iraq, the rise of ISIS, the use of chemical weapon in Syria, softening position against Iran’s nuclear weapons program, and Russia’s invasion, annexation, and ongoing support for separatists in parts of the Ukraine, U.S. leadership is desperately needed.

America’s allies need to have their faith restored that the U.S. is a reliable and steadfast partner, and hostile nations and other foes should understand know they cannot dismiss or damage our vital national interests without consequence.

One bedrock principle of U.S. foreign policy should be support our most reliable ally in the Middle East, Israel. This means recognizing that Israel faces an existential threat from nations and organizations committed to its destruction, and unambiguously condemning acts of terrorism against it. When the U.S. disagrees with Israel it should do so quietly but firmly, without resorting to public threats, sanctions, or other actions and statements that give comfort and support to its enemies.

The U.S. should regard the United Nations and other multinational organizations as potential venues for pursuing its national interests, without regarding them as the final arbiter of what the U.S. may do. Many international organizations are heavily influenced by and tilted in favor of dictatorships, and the U.S. should never allow hostile or tyrannical regimes to determine what our foreign policy should be. The U.S. should seek reform of the United Nations and other international bodies that abuse or ignore U.S. interests.

Participation in military alliances such NATO should remain a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy. Allies should understand that the U.S. is a reliable partner, but also need fully participate themselves including by fully funding their own militaries and working to advance the interests of alliance members.

The rise of China and its efforts to counter U.S. power and influence in the region poses a serious threat to U.S. interests. The U.S. must work closely with key allies including Japan, South Korea, and Australia, to balance the rise of China and ensure regional peace and security. Deterring Chinese and North Korean aggression should remain the highest priority in the region.

Economic development programs are in need of fundamental overhauls, or be eliminated altogether. There is little evidence have led to economic growth in the countries that have received this aid. Instead, they largely support inept and corrupt governments while creating dependency and wasting large sums of taxpayer money.

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