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Gun Rights


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The right to possess firearms without unreasonable and excessive government burdens is what separates Americans from nearly every nation on Earth, and serves as a bulwark for all other rights.

Second Amendment rights have been recognized by the Supreme Court of the United States in recent where it declared unconstitutional the effective ban on the ownership of handguns in Washington, D.C., and Chicago, Illinois, affirming that the Second Amendment belongs to individual citizens.

Research has demonstrated repeatedly gun ownership by law-abiding citizens is not connected with violent crime, and most existing and proposed gun control laws would not lead to decreased violence. Instead they would only restrict the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and their families.

There is a legitimate interest in keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill and criminals, but too often that justification has been used by politicians and anti-gun activists as a way to try to disarm law-abiding citizens and strip them of their Second Amendment rights.

The right of free people to possess arms for recreational, hunting, and self-defense, as well as its original purpose as a check against government tyranny, must be protected from misguided and uninformed efforts to disarm them.


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