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2016 Campaign Watch

A roundup of news and opinions on all the presidential candidates, both Democrats and Republicans. We create and continually update the 2016 Campaign Watch to help educate America's voters on the issues at hand and each candidate's stances.
Iowa, New Hampshire ‘Insiders’ View of Rand Paul
April 3, 2015

Iowa, New Hampshire ‘Insiders’ View of Rand Paul

Politico’s weekly survey of political insiders on the 2016 presidential nomination contest, dubbed the Politico Caucus, turns its attention to Kentucky Senator Rand Paul today, with results that should be pleasing to his supporters.

Insiders view Paul as strong early state contender

On the eve of his expected presidential announcement, Republican insiders in Iowa and New Hampshire say Rand Paul is a top contender in those early states next year — and they agree that for better and for worse, his father, ...

Washington Post Poll Sets the Scene
April 2, 2015

Washington Post Poll Sets the Scene

The Washington Post conducted a poll of American adults (not registered voters or likely voters, it’s worth noting) on the 2016 potential candidates. There aren’t many surprises, but there are a few interesting bits of information. Some excerpts:

Poll: Bush now tops GOP field; Clinton runs ahead of all Republicans

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush now leads the field of Republican candidates for the party’s 2016 presidential nomination, but former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton enjoys a decided advantage over Bush ...

Scott Walker, Bush’s Top Challenger?
April 1, 2015

Scott Walker, Bush’s Top Challenger?

The Tampa Bay Times has an interesting profile of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, whom they dub “the conservative threat to Jeb Bush.” Here’s a sample of what’s in it:

Meet Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, the conservative threat to Jeb Bush

Once dubbed America’s most divisive governor, Wisconsin’s Scott Walker may be the biggest threat to the presidential ambitions of Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton…

Combine a milquetoast Midwestern demeanor with his record of pushing through a polarizing conservative agenda, and you see a ...